no flashing amber,no bike xing warning signs for motorists.
Parkhill xing has actuated stoplight with traffic count 16,563....only 700 fewer than Hunter St.
This trail is probably the safest trail in Peterborough barring the new Tollington Bridge extension (see Tollington Bridge Dangers July (/07).
The reason being that it mostly follows the river so there are less intersections to deal with.
It is also the trail most worthy of being called a transportation artery as it is a major north/south route for bicycle commuters, including students and faculty from Trent U and Thomas A Stewart CI
That being said it fails miserably on crossing safety at Hunter St. E. In fact it has no crossing features whatsoever. There are no yellow ramped curb cuts......there is no crosswalk striping...... and there are no bike Xing warning signs for motorists!!! Yet this stretch of Hunter has a traffic count of 15,931 !!! Robinson St., the next crossing south, is better marked and only has a traffic count of 516. This is a gross oversight on Peterborough's favourite and most populous trail. For novice cyclists and unwary motorists, this is an accident waiting to happen.
Recommendations to improve safety:
- install bollards at trail entrance each side
- cut curbs and ramp
- broad broken crosswalk stripe on pavement
- overhead flashing amber crossing sign actuated by trail crosser
- bike X warning signs installed on Hunter St. at crossing and 1/2 block away in each direction